The Covid-19 can neither read nor paddle and is obviously only interested in its own reproduction. But, even if we are not interested in it, it concerns us.
According to studies, the Covid-19 remains active on inert surfaces (including paper and cardboard) between 2 and 9 days.
Voluntarily, we did not make any more orders from our distributors since the end of February. The books we have in stock have been in stock for more than 3 weeks. They are therefore not carriers of the virus.
The Post Office, despite a slowdown in sorting and distribution ensures the continuity of its service and we thank it warmly.
However, the packaging may be contaminated during transport.
Upon receipt of your order, we recommend that you handle the packages with care (or with disposable gloves), open them in the same way, let the books slide on a table, throw away and recycle the packaging and wash your hands thoroughly.
Then be a home paddler up to be able to paddle a boat again. Hopefully we can get back on the water soon.
Until then, be patient and careful readers.
All the best
Le Canotier