White Water South Alps 3rd edition

White Water South Alps 3rd edition

Reference :
Format : 
17x24 cm - 224 pages
Year of publication : 
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65 classic runs class 2 to class 5 for kayakers and rafters. Conveniently grouped by centres : upper Rhône, Dranses, haute Isère, Val d’Aoste, Val Sesia, Briançonnais (Gyronde, Romanche, Clarée, etc), Guil, Drac, Ubaye and Verdon. 
Very comprehensive guide, river maps in colors.

New edition updated with more information, more runs. 
A great job ! 
The second edition which most part is still usefull is at lower price here.

"An absolute must for all Alpine paddlers".

  • White water
24,80 €

White water - Guides - France